Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Suddenly like falling in Love

I was not to describe how I am feeling right know ..

when he greeted me, I feel good ..

in the past I was able to forget it then why did he suddenly comes back into my mind ..

what should I do

because our distance is too far ...

I don't want to get trapped with a feeling like this ..

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Usually Stay at night

a few days ago... I read some article about effect stay at night... I realy don't know if we always stay at night everyday become liver cancer... that's the truth because of research when people always stay up in the night make aging, stroke, heart attack, and the other.

since read the article.. it made me realize keep health is a point number one to alive. because of when we sleep at night our body metabolism in

I am realy fortunetly realize bad effect earlier, and easy to me to change our behaviour to be goo than before... thanks god.. now I sleep in a good time.

some article wrote that stay up at night it's okay if we have a quality in our sleep, but I don't know when I had a quality... so I choose to sleep in good time.. don't stay up at night everyday... sometimes it's okay to do assignment, ... hhooo =))

Monday, 8 March 2010

Just wrote what I feel

Just pour out my heart... what I feel...

I realy confused... why I realize now ?? why not in the past..??

I can't understand what happened to me ?

in the past I never think that I have this feeling to him...

when he went and leave me alone, I feel regret to let him go away from me...

why regret always come at the end ??

I am not lowered myself to ask him back to me...

it never happen... it's so embarass... no no..

what should I do ??

I made more question that I must answer it by myself

I expectation, it's lesson for me not make decisions too quickly...



Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Acne is pimpLe.. so uncomfortable

Acne made people couldn't confidence... just like me.. when suddently one of pimple in my face, I do all I could to remove it from my face..

I tried to make antiacne.. but it doesn't work.. I consumed many fruits.. but it doesn't work significant because of need time... I realy hopeless because the acne suddently appears on my face.. it made my smooth face became not good..

I avoid to all myth could make acne... Like don't eat nuts, don't sleep late night, don't eat more fat, don't stress and bla bla bla... but one of article which I read... that myth not one point caused the acne...

because in the fact is was contain fatty acids that are good for the heart, consume more fat not cause the acne but only exacerbate the produstion of execess fat that make easy infected bacteria, stress was not caused the acne because not yet on the research...

the myth like problem food and stress factors only supporting the cause of the acne...

may be I don't completely understand, I could do the best to remove it.. hhaaa
so this post doesn't have solution.. hhaaa

Sunday, 7 February 2010

FeeL so Long

Long time no see my blog since on vacation together with my friends... I don't have chance to look at this coz I am realy busy on my business because of I am not in my desk... hhaaaa

I was so excited on my vacation coz it's my first time vacation together with my friends ,, because in the past i am a home girl... hhee...

I surprissed when I permitted with my parents, my parents directly say "yes"... hhaaa... thanks mom, thanks dad.. luv you...^_^ my parents realy understood what I want...!!

Since I am studying in the college... my parents made me free than before Like when I am in junior or senior high school... now reaLy different... may be they are thinking I am mature now... hhee..

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

in the airport

at tuesday me and friends planned go to jakarta... they are lily, desty, and arlin.

because of desty's mother we can wait before the plane landed off in VIP longe.. just fun... eventualy we just regular passenger. we got fasilities as executiv passenger.. hhaaa

all along we there we take more picture... some picture of us is :

action gaya iklan laptop.. hhhaaa

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Finally.. config Router

udah berkali-kali coba ngonfig router buat tugas besok..
eror mulu.. soalnya mesti ng gabungin konfigurasi metode RIP denagn metode OSPF...

bingung banget... gmn caranya..??
akhirnya nyari referensi dari mana2...
udah dapet contohnya tetep aj gw gak ngerti pada awalnya.. hhaa

setelah dicoba, di otak-atik selama 24 jam baru deh ngerti gimana caranya..? hhaaa
ternyata antara kedua metode itu gak bisa dibikin langsung soalnya haru ada satu router yang dibikin static, dan dua router yang menggunakan RIP dan OSPF di command ny dibikin redistributed static. karena penghubung keduanya adalah router yang static.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Watch Politics News

I watch news in television, read news in magazine, or listen news in the radio in this week. The news always reported about bail out century case. [pansus century] investigate all involve people like "mentri keuangan", vice presiden, and all director's century in the DPR building..

I watch in the television, the pansus century investigate the involve people have live broadcast. so all indonesian society know surely the case. it is one of form democration..

Indonesian society can see live if the involve people lie when the pansus explore more about bail out century or they pretended to make their safe.
Poltics is so complicated... ckcck

I hope this case get the best solution.. and the fault people can be go to the prison...

Organic Food

Katanya ya kalo pengen hidup sehat mesti konsumsi makanan organik, makanan sehat yang gak mengandung pestisida gitu, trus jangan makan junkfood... tapi gimana ya susah banget kan nemuin makanan organik, apalagi rata-rata makanan emang mengandung pestisida, trus kalo pengen cepet kan enakan pesen fastfood aja kan...

Kirain makan buah-buahan sama sayur-sayuran udah bikin kita sehat.. ternyata salah !!! karena banyak buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran tersebut mengandung bahan kimia. Ada beberapa buah dan sayuran yang mengandung pestisida seperti apel, jeruk melon, anggur, pir, sayur bayam, selada, tomat , padahal gw doyan banget sama buah dan sayur itu....

gimana ya ?? pengen hidup sehat aja mesti ribet banget nyari makanan yang organik. beras putih yang biasa kita makan juga masuk kedalam daftar yang mengandung pestisida. yang disarankan oleh dokter ahli gizi adalah beras merah, yang katanya kaya serat dan baik untuk tubuh.

o iya ada saran dari dokternya, katanya kalo kita beli buah atau sayur lebih dianjurkan untuk mencuci buah atau sayur dengan menggunakan air mengalir daripada menggunakan sabun pencuci buah atau sayur yang banyak dijual saat ini.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Kawasaki disease...

Just for sharing with you guys...

Do you know about kawasaki disease ?

I know this disease when i show one of television show. this desease finded of one of doctor from japan... the name "kawasaki" takes from the doctor's last name.

The disease often attack mongoloid [ras].. like japanese, taiwan, korean, chinese, an eventualy indonesian.

The characteristics can't explain specify because of in the research. some characteristic that I know when i saw the television show.. one of them is red eyes, strawberry colour in the tongue, have pink lips. we can't easy to guess the characteristics because it like fever..

I surprised, because I saw my lips pink too... hhaa *narsis...
have pink Lip thats nice for the girl.. but when we know whom we don't get the disease??
but I saw in the television the disease often affect kids under 5.. hhaa

Just fun.. know something that I don't know before.... ^_^

Monday, 11 January 2010

realita Penjara di Indonesia

surprised banget tadi pas liat berita di TV, bener aja masa penjara bisa ada penjara khusus buat orang kaya dimana para penghuninya mendapat perlakuan khusus dengan memiliki ruangan layaknya hotel. gak adil banget gak tuh..??

Gimana mo kapok dipenjara kalo serasa tinggal di hotel, yang punya ruangan khusus dipenjara tersebut (narapidanan korupsi/narkoba) diwawancarai malah berkilah agar gak perlu diributin fasilitas penjara dia pake acara nangis-nangis gitu. jijay banget gak tuh ngeliatnya, wajar aja lah kalo diributin, gimana sih kalo gak mau dipenjara ya knapa korupsi.. ih dasar udah salah malah bela diri. ckckckc

Sebelumnya dapet berita ada penjara eklusif gini sebelumnya ada juga berita yang memeperlihatkan kelakuan para narapidana yang berada didalamnya bebas melakukan apapun, seperti bisa memiliki ponsel, maen judi-togel, trus bisa request makanan juga. yang masuk karena menggunakan narkoba, masi tetep make aj mereka. malah sipir penjara gak berbuat apa-apa waktu ngeliat kejadian itu. hukum yang belum sepenuhnya bisa ditegakkan. o iya ada juga masa pas lagi dipenjara ada yang bisa hamil juga... ckckck.. bener-bener dah penjara di Indonesia.

tulisan ini cuma pengen berbagi aja dari berita yang gw dapet, gw cuma berharap semoga kedepannya semua narapidana mesti diperlakuin sama biar bisa kapok orang-orang yang masuk kesana..

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Just Open a old Photo album

Suddently,, remember about memories in senior high school. When I was opening the old photo album in the senior high school... so miss that memories.. when i was a student in a senior high school... I never forget this memory... when i was young... and just fun everyday..

so great have that feel... when we just a plain teenagers we never pretended about something.

this photo when we were touring in the someplace where I don't know exactly,, I forget way to go there..hhee

then surely we have fun there...

Now all of us... have to reach our dream.. to be good person...

Last we met about half of three years ago... when we had been celebaration pass graduate...

so miss you guys... ^ ^

Problematic "many blog out of the rule"

I am surprised that my friend tell me about this blog...

because the blog content about religius insult whereas the blog is insulting my religion..

this blog doesn't be ignore... let's report the blog as spam....

blogger banned to insult relligion, nation, content porn, and etc.

Laporkan segera blog yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan..

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Belajar Hosting

Demi tugas PI belajar hosting gila2 an..
database masi aja kagak mau nurut aja..
akhirnya otak atik sana sini sampe bisa..

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belajar hosting ternyata asik juga..
apalagi kalo hostingannya sukses..


untuk free hosting ternyata banyak layanan web yang menyediakannya...
bisa di cari di google... tapi soal database nya masi diragukan,,
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gak tau deh ngaruh pa gak sama hostingan yang gratis gitu..jadi databasenya kurang handal.. soalnya web yang gw coba hosting di free hosting kadang2 database nya gak mau jalan..
kalo seandainya databasenya diilangin, syntak html jadi makin panjang... jadi malah bikin ribet..

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selamat mencoba ya ^ ^:))